Monday 6 October 2014

Things Great People will NEVER Do

Somebody once said "if you want to succeed ask questions from those that have succeeded".
It will be foolish for a person who aspires to be great to go and ask questions of how to success from people who failed to succeed. Therefore, to succeed we need to get certain clues from those who have succeeded. In this post we will look at some of the things Great people will not and never do.

Live without goal: Goal drives you to act and perform. It is like a force that moves you on until you achieve. Anyone who does not have goal does not a future. Such person is on a journey that has no destination. Such a person will end up at no where. Set goals for yourself.
Fail to plan: Great people will never fail to plan. Planning is an essential part of  success. Your success in life is dependent on how well you plan. Those who plan are those who succ

Saturday 4 October 2014

Pathway to greatness and growth of business owners.

Below are few things the great people does to get to the heights they desire in life. This list here is not exhaustive there will be more elaborate article that will come up on this.
Start things on time: Great people do not delay or procrastinate. All thought they do not just dabble into anything. Great people takes time to plan very well and begin execution immediately without delay.
Develop solid foundation: Build a strong beginning/ strong and solid foundation for the future. Continually increase your knowledge on what you wish to achieve. Build your career.
Have Clear Goals in Mind: Define your goals that will bring about the achievements of your ultimate goal. This is useful for tracking your success, avoid waste of time and this also help to re-strategies if need arise.
Know your strength: The is a major key that will take you to your desired height in life. This is what you must leverage at all cost to improve your life and business. You need to build your dream around your strength, this will make things a lot easier.
Understand you limitation: You should know you weaknesses and improve on them to bring your dream to reality. You should not allow such weakness to deter you from going ahead. There are times you need to overlook these weaknesses to be able to move ahead in life. Here you cannot overlook what others can do for you. Seek help because you are limited.
Learn to cope with failures and success: There are times things will be a little unpleasant, when expectation fails to come as planned. Cope with that, they are essential for improvement and planning again. If it is coming out well and results are coming out as planned. You should be happy and repeat what you did that yielded the good result, look at out ways to improve on that.
Look after your health: Your health is a priority and you must be in good in health to achieve more. You must look after your health. Eat good food, have regular exercise and drink a lot of water, take good breath. Keep your environment clean and avoid cold and stuffy rooms. Let there be a way for some sunshine to penetrate into your room.
Trust in God: Finally and ultimate of it all trust in God for everything, do not play with your spiritual life.


Wednesday 1 October 2014

The need for more than a source of income

Having just one source of income can be so frustrating and disappointing. Many a time salary earners are the most susceptible candidate in this regard. Very large amount of people are in this category. The good news is you can have other source of income working from inside you room.

There are businesses you can do both online and offline it is just a matter of how ready and serious you are about having another source of income. If you salary has ever been delayed beyond the dates you have been receiving it normally or an issue came up and your salary could not solve the issue. You will wish you had another source of income.

Monday 29 September 2014

Patience the Key to grow your Online Income

Growing dollars
 Millions grow gradually from unit number one!
It is a common saying that Rome was not built is a day. This means that we must start from bottom to the top. I remembered a teacher of mine in college, when he is teaching us in the class he will always say slowly, gradually and sure we will get there. This also applies to making money online and elsewhere in any legal. 
Many businesses had suffered set back and

Friday 11 April 2014

You Can Start Small

It is no longer a news that unemployment has eaten deep into the flesh and bone of Nigeria in fact it has sucked the blood and the country need a divine intervention.

But, there is saying that "when the going get tough, the toughs gets going", w

Heart Bleed Virus

Dark Times for OpenSSL
Though it may sound like the title of a Slayer album, Heartbleed actually refers to a serious security vulnerability in OpenSSL. Nearly ubiquitous, OpenSSL is an open-source cryptographic library that is deployed by perhaps as many as two-thirds of the Internet’s websites. These sites use OpenSSL as a mechanism to implement secure SSL and TLS encrypted connections. TLS and its predecessor SSL are cryptographic protocols that ensure communic

Friday 7 March 2014

Business Secrets of Successful Authors

You had great passion for writing, but you are always afraid of what to do. 

Now is your time to start earning money through your passion, stay put and read the secret of Successful authors.

Whenever the writing storm hits you,

Friday 21 February 2014

Can I earn money at Home?

Do You Have A Dream?
 Have you too much Month left at the end of the Money? Tired of being in debt? Fed up with your job? Or just want a better lifestyle? Yearn to escape from the daily routine, but not quite sure how to? The fact that you are here reading this means that you have considered if being able to earn Money at home is a viable option.
The simple answer to this question is yes.
Thousands of people already earn much more Online, t

Could You Succeed With a Home Business

Almost anybody can succeed with their very own successful home business, and yet the majority fail with their home business.

Why?... There are three main reasons why people fail.

From $0.001 to $100000: Online Business

Making legit money online is real and no barriers at all if you can put in the required efforts("NO food for lazy man"). I have written quite a number of topics of how to make money online, I advise you to read further on the blog on how you can make money online.

At a time where unemployment is all over, you can earn good amount of money for your self monthly with you smart phone. How? That is what pops on your mind! I guess most of us now carry smartphones (Blackberry, Android, and other internet enabled phones and gadgets). What do we do with this phones? mostly socializing (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc), well, the good news is you can monitize all you social platform. Just click on the link below and register.

Be free to ask questions in the comment box below and you will get reply almost immediately.